92 - present: Marketing Consultant, consulting, organization and coordination of events concerning leisure, entertainment and music concerts, with roles of area-manager, public relations and partner

’05 – present: development of own music project as a SongWriter and Musician (vocals and guitar). 20 live concerts in ’06 and 40 in ‘07. Completed demos in English and Italian and an EP

’03 – present: with Dream Ideas srl: development of a web site that organises and promotes events in leisure and holidays: EnjoyToz Viaggi, also a tour operator with more than a 57.000 client database, 1300 unique visitors per day, more than 300 partners, an increase of 15% per year, and 110 events organized every year. A great amount of experience in live concert, events, and weekly radio show guest host

’02 – present: Dream Ideas srl: CEO, company founded with the goal to develop attractive businesses and add value to the clients: Mercury (Fi), Sviluppo Italia (Rm), Turisma Hospitality Consulting (Mi), Cesop Comunication (Bo), Italia In Miniatura (Rn), Club Med (Mi), DuediPicche (Mi), Pineta (Ra), Condor Tour (Rn), Pubblidrink (Vr), Ciao Radio (Bo), Radio Bruno (Mo), Radio International (Bo), Wall Street Institutes (Bo), Jolly Hotel (Bo), Ryanair (Ld)

'01-‘02 Area Banca spa: asset analysis advisor, private banking, financial advisor managing the client’s portfolios, managing of movable properties, assurances, leasing and loans

‘01-‘01 Osc Bologna srl: project manager, strategic marketing consultant, planning and management of events concerning company communication and congress organization: Gobag Consulting (Bo), Camst (Bo), Ferrero (Cn)

'00-‘00 Kpmg Consulting spa: consumer & industrial markets, strategic consulting in business re-organization and business analysis: Italiana Arredamenti (Pr)

'98-’00 Arthur Andersen spa: hospitality & leisure services, experienced in consulting project, company evaluation, strategic assessment and feasibility study in the turistic and manufacturing market. companies: Equinoxe (Mi), Autogrill (Mi), Pelliconi (Bo), Banca Agricola Mantovana (Mn), Poleasing (Pr)

- Arthur Andersen: management consulting, company organization and information system planning operational-accounting. banks and tax collectors offices: Esattoria Banco di Napoli (Na)

- Arthur Andersen: financial marketing, audit and consulting balance, with experiences in audit project banks, leasing and insurance like: Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini (Rn), Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Forli (Fo), Banca di Credito Cooperativo Provincia di Ravenna (Ra), Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Cesena (Fo), Banca di Credito Cooperativo Romagna Est (Rn), Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Rimini (Rn), Carimonte Holding e Fondazioni (Mo) e (Bo), Fraer Leasing (Fo), Privata Leasing (Re), Sasa Assicurazioni (Ts), Cooperbanca (Re), Fonspa (Rm)

'96-’04 Fandango srl: company founded with the goal to directly manage and organize events involved in the leisure and entertainment market


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